Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Turbo C : Variable Declaration

Declaring Variables

Variables are used to hold a value. It can be a text or numbers or even both. This is very useful in programming especially when you want to display some text/numbers multiple times.

There are types of variables used to make a program. These will give the variables a classification that the computer will understand.

On this part, we will create a simple mathematical addition. Here is the code.

Looking at the codes, we used int type of variable. It is used because we are using variables to hold numeric values.

x, y and z are the variables that we declared. You can use any alphanumeric characters to declare variables. It can be (A, B, C) , (num1,num2,num3),  or it can be a name of your choice.

The x has a value of 100 and y has 200, but z doesn’t have a value. It’s ok, we can declare a value for z later.

printf("Value of X is = %d \n", x);       //---- %d will call the integer value of x
printf("Value of Y is = %d \n", y);       //---- %d will call the integer value of y

This statement will display a text and a variable.
The backslash followed by letter n “\n” will begin a new line.

printf("The sum of X and Y is = %d", z);

This line will declare the value of z.  z=x+y , it is clear that the value of z will add  the  value of x and  y. And the last part will print the value of z.


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