Monday, July 22, 2013

Tutorial : How to run Turbo C in DosBox ?

Many are asking where to get Turbo C that is compatible for their Windows 7 computers. Turbo C is still running on Windows 7 but it doesn’t allow me to enter full screen just like the old days of windows. But using some applications like DOSBox, will allow us to use Turbo C in fullscreen mode.

Follow this guide on how to run Turbo C with DOSBox.

In this guide, I have already installed Turbo C on my computer.
Now, let’s proceed to the guide.

You must have DosBox installer first. You can download it from the link below.
Dosbox DL link :

Dosbox Installation:

1. Run DosBox installer.

2. Just click Next until the installation folder selection then click Install.


3. After the installation process is completed, close the installation window.

You are done installing DOSBox.

We are now going to make DOSBox to run Turbo C everytime you run DOSBox.

I have read the manual of DOSBox and found out the following procedure that will let us run Turbo C much easier, instead of typing commands just to run Turbo C or any program.

4. After installing DOSBox, right click on DosBox shortcut icon on your desktop and click Properties.

5. In Shortcut tab, we will edit the target textbox and put the following command:

"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" C:\TC\BIN\TC.exe -c "mount T C:\TC\BIN "

6. Click Apply and OK to close the window.

You can now run Turbo C and use it like old times.

NOTE: The instructions above (Step 5) will work only if the installation path of DOSBox and Turbo C are correct, or you will have to edit the path where you installed DOSBox and Turbo C.

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